Wire Bait / SKT Spinner Bait 3/4oz Double Willow

- Weight: 3/4oz
- Type: Spinner Bait
- Front Blade: WillowLeaf#3-1/2
- Back Blade: WillowLeaf#4-1/2
- Line: lbs
Life as a Professional Angler
Ask Skeet Reese what it’s like to be a professional angler and he’ll tell you it’s not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. “Being a professional angler is a career that goes on 24 hours a day, 7days a week,” he described, “There is no five o’ clock whistle, there are no weekends or holidays. Each year, I average 250 days on the road. During that time it’s non-stop – practice, tournaments, promotions, appearances, interviews – it never ends.” Despite the demands, Reese loves his fishing lifestyle. He has been especially successful in blending strong fishing performance with exceptional promotional ability to formulate a high-caliber fishing career. “Some guys are pure promoters and some guys are pure anglers but to be really successful in this business you have to be both,” Reese bolstered. “There’s more money up for grabs in this sport now than ever before and in order to take advantage of that situation, you have to be the complete fishing package for your sponsors.” The two-pronged approach is what Reese finds most rewarding about his career. “There are two challenges I love,” he offered. “One is the challenge of figuring out bass on a daily basis on different lakes across the country. The other is the challenge of helping my sponsors promote their brands and coming up with creative ways of exposing their products. Professional fishing is a perfect blend of those two and I wouldn’t trade it for any other job in the world.”
Ask Skeet Reese what it’s like to be a professional angler and he’ll tell you it’s not just a job, it’s a lifestyle. “Being a professional angler is a career that goes on 24 hours a day, 7days a week,” he described, “There is no five o’ clock whistle, there are no weekends or holidays. Each year, I average 250 days on the road. During that time it’s non-stop – practice, tournaments, promotions, appearances, interviews – it never ends.” Despite the demands, Reese loves his fishing lifestyle. He has been especially successful in blending strong fishing performance with exceptional promotional ability to formulate a high-caliber fishing career. “Some guys are pure promoters and some guys are pure anglers but to be really successful in this business you have to be both,” Reese bolstered. “There’s more money up for grabs in this sport now than ever before and in order to take advantage of that situation, you have to be the complete fishing package for your sponsors.” The two-pronged approach is what Reese finds most rewarding about his career. “There are two challenges I love,” he offered. “One is the challenge of figuring out bass on a daily basis on different lakes across the country. The other is the challenge of helping my sponsors promote their brands and coming up with creative ways of exposing their products. Professional fishing is a perfect blend of those two and I wouldn’t trade it for any other job in the world.”
Si vous demandez à Skeet Reese ce que ça fait d'être un pêcheur professionnel, il vous dira que ce n'est pas juste un job, mais c'est aussi un mode de vie. Il affirme "qu'être un pêcheur professionnel est une métier qui nécessite d'être concentré 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7". "Il faut se lever à 5h du mat' et il n'y a ni vacances, ni weekends. Je suis sur la route en moyenne 250 jours par an. Les entraînements, les compétitions, les promotions, les apparitions et les interviews s'enchaînent. Ca ne s'arrête jamais." Malgré ces contraintes, Skeet Reese adore son mode de vie de pêcheur professionnel. Il a été tout simplement très doué pour mêler des performances de pêches exceptionnelles avec une carrière de pêcheur professionnel de gros calibre. Skeet Reese ajoute même que "certaines personnes sont de bons promoteurs et d'autres de très bons pêcheurs. Mais pour vraiment réussir dans ce milieu il faut savoir faire les deux. Dans ce sport, il y a encore plus d'argent à se faire qu'avant et, pour tirer profit de cette situation, il faut, pour ses sponsors, être un pêcheur très polyvalent. " Cette double approche est probablement ce que Skeet Reese trouve de plus excitant dans sa carrière. "Il y a deux types de challenges que j'adore. Le premier est d'attraper quotidiennement le plus de black-bass dans les différents lacs du pays. Le second est d'aider mes sponsors à promouvoir leurs marques et de trouver sans cesse de nouvelles manières créatives de présenter leurs produits. La pêche professionnelle regroupe parfaitement ces deux challenges et c'est pour ça que je n'échangerais en aucun cas mon job avec un autre.
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Color Name

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