Finding Reports

You use the Reports module to find dynamic and static reports.

You can search the Reports list for a particular report or a group of reports. You use the Find pane to get a list of all available reports or to narrow your search using the properties of the report. The resulting list contains all the reports that meet your search criteria. The list contains four columns—Name, Category, Created By, and Type—each of which corresponds to the four report properties that have those names. You can sort the resulting list by name, category, created by, and type report properties.

When you search for reports by name, category, or created by, the Reports module returns all entries that match or begin with the search string.

To view a list of all the available reports

To find a report based on its properties

To sort the Reports list

To view a list of all the available reports

  1. In Analysis, click Reports, and then click Find on the toolbar.

  2. In the Find By drop-down list, select All Reports, and then click Find Now.

A list of all the available reports appears in the Reports screen.

To find a report based on its properties

  1. In Analysis, click Reports, and then click Find on the toolbar.

  2. In the Find By drop-down list, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Name Select to search for a report by its name.
    Category Select to search for a report by the category that includes it.
    Created By Select to search for a report by the report author.
    Type Select to search for a report by its type, either dynamic or static.
    Any Information Select to search for a report by any combination of search criteria—Name, Category, Created By, and Type.
    All Reports Select to include all available reports.

  3. In the property value box that appears next, type or select from the list the specific value for the property or properties that you selected (Name, Category, Created By, and Type).

If you selected the Any Information option, text boxes appear for four properties: Name, Category, Created By, and Type.

  1. In the appropriate property value boxes, type or select specific values for one or more of the properties.

  2. Click Find Now.

A list of all the reports that match your search criteria appears in the Reports screen.

To sort the Reports list

See Also

About Analysis

Commerce Server Reports

Running Reports

Viewing Report Properties

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