Creating a New Dynamic Report

You use the Reports module to change the PivotTable of a report, and save the changed report as a new report definition. The newly saved report is then available in the Reports list.


To add fields to a PivotTable

To see your new report in the Reports list

To refresh the Reports list

To add fields to a PivotTable

  1. In Analysis, click Reports, and then select the dynamic report you want to run.

  2. In the Reports screen, clickRun on the toolbar to run the dynamic report.

    The completed report is displayed in a new browser window as a PivotTable. The PivotTable Field List appears above the PivotTable.


  3. Drag fields from the PivotTable Field List and drop them into the PivotTable.

    In a PivotTable, the items under Totals in the field list are measures; the items at the same level as Totals are dimensions. Measures can be added to the data area (that is, the center cells) of the PivotTable. Dimensions can be used as rows, columns, or filters.

    As an alternative to using a drag-and-drop operation to move the fields from the PivotTable Field List, you can use the Add to button at the bottom of the PivotTable Field List. For information about using the field list, click the Help button on the PivotTable toolbar.

  4. In the completed report window, click Save just above the PivotTable. The Save a report — Web Page dialog box appears.

  5. In the Save a report—Web Page dialog box, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Report Name Type the name of your new report.
    Report Description Type a description of your new report.
    Report Long Description Type a longer description of your report. This description will be visible in the browser window above the PivotTable controls when you click Show description above the PivotTable controls.

  6. Click OK. Your new report is saved.

  7. To return to the Reports screen, close the report window.

For more information about working with PivotTables, see PivotTable Help, available when you click the Help button on the PivotTable toolbar.


To see your new report in the Reports list

  1. In Analysis, click Reports.

  2. In the Reports screen, click Find on the toolbar, check that the present search criteria will find your report, and then click Find Now.

To refresh the Reports list

  1. In Analysis, click Reports, and then click Find on the toolbar.

  2. In the Find By box, select All Reports, and then click Find Now.

A new Reports list appears showing all reports.

See Also

About Analysis

Commerce Server Reports

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