Printing Reports

Commerce Server 2000 reports are designed to be viewed in the browser window. You can print dynamic and static reports from the Web browser. You will encounter size limitations if you are printing and displaying large reports.

When you print a dynamic report PivotTable, the Web browser prints only the parts of the PivotTable that are visible in the browser window, without scrolling. If you expand nodes of the PivotTable and the resulting table exceeds the browser memory limitation, the PivotTable will not print. To print a large PivotTable in its entirety, export the PivotTable to Microsoft Excel. For information about exporting a PivotTable to Microsoft Excel, see Exporting a Dynamic Report. For information about printing from Excel, see Excel Help.

When you run a static report, the completed report is limited to displaying 1,000 lines in the browser window. You can export a large static report to the List Manager to see all the lines of the report. For information about exporting reports to List Manager, see Exporting a Static Report.

To print a report

  1. In the browser window, in the File menu, click Print.

  2. In the Print dialog box, click Print.

The report prints.

See Also

Exporting a Dynamic Report

Exporting a Static Report

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