Creating a Mailing List

Before you create a direct mail campaign, the List Manager module must contain a valid mailing list. Mailing lists are used by Direct Mailer to send pieces of mail to selected recipients in a list.

You can create a mailing list using any text editor. A mailing list contains one or more rows of recipients. List Manager requires the field names in the following table when importing lists from SQL Server. Each row in the list contains a single recipient and is comprised of the following elements in comma-delimited format:

Field name Parameter Description
rcp_email Email address Required. Name or a name@domain.
rcp_guid GUID Optional. Globally unique identifier. The unique user ID that is used to provide content in a personalized mail message.
rcp_fmt Message format Optional. Controls the message format type that the Collaboration Data Object (CDO) translates the results into. For example, text, MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML), or Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME), MIME.
rcp_locale Language Optional. The code-page value for the mail message.
rcp_url URL Optional. Provides the ability to pass individual URLs per user to CDO.


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