Publishing Campaign Changes on Your Web Site

You use the Publish Campaigns module to update your site immediately with new information that you have added to your Web site. However, even if you do not perform this step to publish your ad campaign changes, by default, within five minutes your Web site will reflect any changes you made regarding the ad campaign. Changes to discount campaign items are not updated on the Web site unless you publish them using the Publish Campaigns module.

In most e-commerce businesses, changes are first made to a test site, and then at a scheduled times the changes are published to the production site. Contact your system administrator for information about when and how changes are made to your production site.

The Publish Campaigns module contains a search mechanism that enables you to find the ads or discounts you want to view, publish, or delete.


To search for a production item

To publish a campaign item

To search for a production item

  1. In Campaigns, click Publish Campaigns.

  2. In the Publish Campaigns screen, click Find on the toolbar.

  3. In the Find pane, in the Look For box, select the type of campaign item you are searching for from the drop-down list, and then click Find Now.

The campaign items matching the search criteria appear in the Production Items box.

To publish a campaign item

  1. In Campaigns, click Publish Campaigns.

  2. In the Publish Campaigns screen, select the production item you want to publish, and then click Publish on the toolbar.

The campaign item is sent to production. The site is updated to include the new ad campaign.

See Also

Adding an Ad Campaign Item

Previewing a Campaign Item

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