Creating a Direct Mail Campaign

Direct mail campaigns are a way to get users to view your ads. A direct mail campaign can be targeted toward specific users by using mailing lists that reside in List Manager. You can import ASCII text files, tables from SQL Server databases, and Analysis reports into List Manager. You can use these lists to run Direct Mailer jobs in order to target your users more successfully.

To create a Direct Mail campaign

  1. In Campaigns, click Campaign Manager.

  2. In the Campaign Manager screen, select the campaign for which you want to create a direct mail campaign, click Add on the toolbar, and then select New Direct Mail from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Campaign Manager <Customer> <Campaign> New (direct mail) screen, in the Direct Mail Properties section, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Direct mail name Type a name for the Direct Mailer job.
    Message from e-mail address Type the address that the direct mail is being sent from.
    Reply to e-mail address Type the address to which the recipient is to reply if different from the default address.

    This box defaults to the address the direct mail is being sent from.

    Message subject Type the subject text for this Direct Mailer job.
    File path or URL containing message body Type the path of the file or the URL that you are using to display the direct mail message.

    The URL of the personalized message body must have a valid HTML content type extension, such as .htm or .asp. Invalid extensions such as .xml will result in a Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) error and the message will not be sent.

    To view personalized pages, see Testing a Direct Mail Campaign.


    • A file over two megabytes in size will be truncated. Only the first two megabytes of data will be used in the direct mail.
    Attachment Type the file path and name of the attachment being sent with the message.

    If no attachment is being sent, leave this box unchecked.

    Mailing list Select the mailing list that this direct mail campaign will use from the drop-down list.
    Personalize direct mail per user Select this check box to enable personalization for this direct mail campaign.

    Leave this check box unchecked to disable personalization for this direct mail campaign.

    Mail format Select the format for this mail.

    The options are:

    • Text - Formats the mail in ASCII format.

    • MHTML - Formats the mail in multilingual HTML.

    • MIME - Formats the mail with Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.
    Comments (not included in message) Type any required comments that are pertinent to this direct mail job.

  4. To save the direct mail campaign and return to the Campaign Manager screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The direct mail campaign is added to the Campaign Manager. You can now schedule, and then test the direct mail campaign.


For information about scheduling a direct mail campaign, see Scheduling a Direct Mail Campaign. For information about testing a direct mail campaign, see Testing a Direct Mail Campaign.

See Also

Adding a Campaign

Managing Lists of User Records

Importing and Exporting Lists

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