Importing a List of User Profiles

You use the Users module to import a list of user profiles from the List Manager module. You create a users list by exporting a static user report from the Reports module to the List Manager module. For example, you might export the New Registered Users report or the Registered User Properties report as a list to List Manager. You can also import an ASCII-delimited users list into the List Manager module. After a user list is in the List Manager module, you use the Find function in the Users module to bring the list of users into the Users module.

To import a list of user profiles into List Manager

  1. In Users, click Users. If the Find pane is not open on the Users screen, click Find on the toolbar.

  2. In the Find By drop-down box, select User lists.

  3. A list of user lists from List Manager appears in the Find pane.

  4. Select the user list you want to open in the Users module.

  5. Click Find Now.

The user profiles from the List Manager list are available in the Users module. You can edit the profiles individually or in groups. After you save the changes to the user profiles, the modified data is available on your Web site.

See Also

Editing a User

Editing Multiple Users

Exporting a Static Report

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