Report Definitions

A report definition is the structure for a report, not the completed report. If you run a report a second time after new data is imported into the Data Warehouse, the second version of the report contains updated data. You run reports to see a "snapshot" of the data in the Data Warehouse

The Reports module contains two types of report definitions: one definition type for dynamic reports, and another definition type for static reports. For information about dynamic and static reports, see Dynamic and Static Reports.

The reports in the Reports module are divided into the following categories: advertising, product sales, Web usage, users, visits, diagnostics, and query strings. For information about the report definitions available in the Reports module, see Commerce Server Reports.

You can create custom dynamic report definitions. Your system administrator can create both custom dynamic and static report definitions. Both dynamic and static reports return specified views of the summarized data in the Data Warehouse after you run them. For information about custom reports, see Custom Reports.

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