Viewing Static Reports

After you run a static report, you will find the completed static report in the Reports list of the Completed Reports module.

To check the status of a static report

To search for completed static reports

To sort the completed Reports list

To open a static report

To open multiple static reports

To close a static report

To check the status of a static report

The status of the report appears in the Status column of the Reports list. The status is one of the following:


To search for completed static reports

  1. In Analysis, click Completed Reports, and then clickFind on the toolbar.

  2. In the Find By drop-down list, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Name Select to search for a report by its name.
    Run By Select to search for a report by the name of the person who ran the report.
    Date Run Select to search for a report by a range of dates during which it was run.
    Status Select to search for a report by the status of the report—Completed, Pending, or Failed.
    Any Information Select to search for a report by any combination of search criteria—Name, Category, Created By, and Type.
    All Reports Select to search for all available reports.

  3. In the property value box that appears next, type or select from the list the specific value for the criteria that you have selected (for example, Name, Date Run, Run By, and Status), and then click Find Now.

The resulting Reports list contains all the static reports that meet your search criteria. You can sort the Reports list by clicking any column heading.

To sort the completed Reports list


To open a static report

  1. In Analysis, click Completed Reports.

  2. In the Reports list, select the report you want to open, and then click Open on the toolbar.


The static report appears in a new browser window as an HTML document.

To open multiple static reports

  1. In Analysis, click Completed Reports.

  2. In the completed Reports list, select the reports you want to open, and then click Open on the toolbar.

The static reports appear in new browser windows as HTML documents.


To close a static report

See Also

Printing Reports

Exporting a Dynamic Report

Exporting a Static Report

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