Dimensions and Measures

The data returned in a report is determined by the dimensions and measures that the report definition contains. Measures are numeric values. Dimensions are business entities, such as color, size, product, or time. By combining dimensions and measures, Commerce Server report definitions provide quantitative and time-based information.

When you run a static report, you can change the parameters of the data returned. For example, you can request data for only the 25 users who made purchases, but you cannot change the dimensions and measures in the report.

When you run a dynamic report, a list of available dimensions and measures appears in the field chooser of the pivot control. You can change the dimensions and measures in a dynamic report by adding, removing, and changing the orientation of dimensions and measures, and by changing the level of detail that the completed report shows. If you change a completed dynamic report, you can save the report definition with the changes as a custom dynamic report definition.

See Also

Dynamic and Static Reports

Custom Reports

Commerce Server Reports

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