Workflow for Segment Analysis

The following figure illustrates a sample scenario for viewing and managing segments and Segment models in the Segment Viewer.

Segment Viewer workflow
Segment Viewer

  1. In the Segment Viewer module, select a Segment model to view and analyze.

  2. Analyze the selected segment or segment group to determine its defining characteristics and the characteristics that contrast the selected segment or group with other segments or groups in the model. Analyze these characteristics by viewing the summary information for each and then comparing it with the information for other segments or segment groups.

  3. If necessary, rename the segment or segment group to reflect its summary and comparison characteristics.

  4. Create a summary report in Internet Explorer for the compared segments, and then print the report.

  5. Export a segment to the List Manager module to create a list of the users in the segment for further analysis and management.

See Also

About Analysis

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