Report Properties

You use Report Properties to find out details about a report before you run it. Viewing a report query, available in the properties of the report, is helpful for determining if a particular report definition will return the data you want. This is especially important if you are running a static report for a large data set, for example, running the Registered User Properties report for 10,000,000 users. Static reports running on large data sets can require significant time to process.

The report properties include useful information about the report, such as the name, description, type, date created, and the query that the report is based on. You cannot change report properties. For information about viewing report properties, see Viewing Report Properties.

The following table describes the properties that you can view in the Reports module.

Property Description
Name Name of the report.
Description Description of the report.
Report type Type of report.
Date created Date the report was created.
Created by Name of the person who created the report.
Date modified Date of the last modification to the report.
Modified by Name of the person who made the last modification.
Query Structured Query Language (SQL) or multidimensional expressions (MDX) query to be run for the report. Query is not available for dynamic Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) reports.
Export as mailing list? Indicates whether data from this report can be exported to List Manager as a mailing list.
Export as user list? Indicates whether data from this report can be exported to List Manager as a user list.

See Also

About Analysis

Commerce Server Reports

Creating a New Dynamic Report

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