Importing a Mailing List

The List Manager module must contain a valid mailing list before you can create a direct mail campaign. You use the List Manager module to import lists of users that you can then target through a direct mail campaign. You can import ASCII text files, files from Microsoft Excel, or tables from SQL Server databases.

To import a list

  1. In Campaigns, click List Manager.

  2. In the List Manager screen, click Import on the toolbar.

  3. In the Import a List dialog box, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    List type Select the list type.

    The available options are Static and Dynamic.

    • Select Static to import a static, flat text file list.

    • Select Dynamic to import a dynamic list (a list that changes, such as one from a SQL Server database).
    Type name of list to copy to Type a name for the imported list.
    List source Select the source type for the list.

    The available options are From File or From SQL Database.

    • Select From File for a static list.

    • If you select From SQL Database, do the following:
      1. In the Connection string box, enter the database connection string, which defines the location of a database and how to connect to it.

      2. In the SQL query box, enter the SQL query to return the wanted information.

        Example: SQL query:

        SELECT u_email_address AS rcp_email FROM UserObject WHERE d_date_registered >= '03/01/2000'

        For information about List Manager field name requirements, see Creating a Mailing List.


      • Contact your system administrator for database properties and SQL query information. For information about writing SQL queries see Query Fundamentals in SQL Books Online.
    File name Type the path, file name, and extention of the list you want to import.

  4. Click OK.

The new list is imported and appears in the List Manager. You can now use the list in a direct mail campaign.

See Also

Managing Lists of User Records

Importing and Exporting Lists

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