Setting Up Your Reference Tables

By setting up your reference tables, you can accurately reflect your business model. The reference tables maintain valid advertising industry codes, page groups, and content sizes. If a page group used by a campaign item is not validated against the page groups in the reference table, the campaign item will not be put into production.

You can use the Reference Tables module to add industry codes, page groups, and content sizes in addition to those provided by Commerce Server 2000. You can also delete industry codes, page groups, and content sizes that you do not use.

Specifying Content Sizes

Adding Industry Codes

Adding Page Groups

Specifying Content Sizes

You can specify the size you want for your campaign item content. Commerce Server 2000 provides several default content sizes. These content sizes are taken from a list of commonly used sizes approved by the Standards and Practices Committee of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB). Content sizes are validated through the Content Size section in the Reference Tables module.

The content sizes in the reference tables are available when you select the size you want for your campaign item content. You can view, edit, and delete any of the predefined sizes, or you can create a new content size to fit your needs.

To specify a content size

  1. In Campaigns, click Reference Tables.

  2. In the Reference Tables screen, in the Content Sizes section, click New, and then do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Tag Type the Tag name.

    A Tag is a parameter value to be passed into a content request on a page that specifies how the document, or a portion of the document should be formatted.

    Name Type a name for the new content size.
    Width Type the content size width (in pixels).
    Height Type the content size height (in pixels).

  3. Click Accept.

    The new content size is added to the content size list. Content size items appear in the list in alphabetical order by the Tag attribute.

  4. To save the new content size and return to the Campaign Manager screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The new content size is saved and is now available when you select content sizes for campaign items.

Adding Industry Codes

Industry codes provide a definition type for industries, for example, automotive, aviation, and beverage. You use industry codes to identify the associated industry of an ad, thus preventing two ads from competing companies in the same industry from appearing on the same page. You can also update industry codes; for example you can add beverage codes for coffee and soft drinks, so that ads for these different types of beverages can appear on the same page.

Commerce Server provides several popular industry codes for your use. The industry codes used in ads are validated through the Industry Codes section in the Reference Tables module. The industry codes in the reference tables are available when you select the industry code for an ad campaign item. You can view a list of all current industry codes, add new industry codes, edit industry codes, and delete industry codes from the Industry Code section in the Reference Tables module.

To create an industry code

  1. In Campaigns, click Reference Tables.

  2. In the Reference Tables screen, in the Industry Codes section, click New, and then do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Industry Code Type a name for the new industry code.

  3. Click Accept.

    The new industry code is added to the industry code list in alphabetical order.

  4. To save the new industry code and return to the Campaign Manager screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The new industry code is saved and is available when you select industry codes for campaign items.

Adding Page Groups

You use page groups to specify the pages on which your ads appear on your Web site. Using page groups, you can place targeted ads on all pages of your commerce site, or only on one particular page. For example, a News site might have a Sports page group to which you would target sports-related ads. Additionally, you can charge advertisers different rates based on the page group on which they advertise. Page groups are validated using the Page Groups section in the Reference Tables module.

The page groups in the reference tables are available when you select the page you want a campaign item to appear on. Once the page group used by the campaign item is validated against the Page Group property, the campaign item can be put into production. You can view a list of all current page groups, add new page groups, edit page groups, and delete page groups from the Page Group section in the Reference Tables module.


To add a page group

  1. In Campaigns, click Reference Tables.

  2. In the Reference Tables screen, in the Page Groups section, click New, and then do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Page Group Type a name for the new page group.
    Description Type a description for the page group.

  3. Click Accept.

    The new page group is added to the Page Group list in alphabetical order.

  4. To save the new page group and return to the Campaign Manager screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The new page group is saved and is available when you select page groups for your campaign items.

See Also

Reference Tables

Targeting an Ad to a Page Group

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