Targeting an Ad to a Page Group

You can specify that an ad campaign item will appear on all pages of the site or that it will appear only on assigned page groups. Page groups allow you to specify on what Web pages an ad campaign item will appear. For example, if your Web site is an online newspaper, you may want to assign an ad for golf clubs to only run on pages in the Sports page.

You can display ads on all of your page groups, or you can select from available page groups that have been created in the Page Groups section in the Reference Tables module.


To target an ad to a page group

  1. In Campaigns, click Campaign Manager.

  2. In the Campaign Manager screen, select the ad for which you want to create a new page group, and then click Open on the toolbar.

  3. In the Campaign Manager <Customer> <Campaign> <Ad Campaign Item>(ad ID: <number>) screen, in the Ad Target section, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Show on all Page Groups Select this check box to display the ad on all page groups of the Web site.

    To assign the ad campaign to a specific page group, clear the check box, and follow the remaining steps in this procedure.

    Page groups: Available Select the page group(s) you want to assign.

  4. Click Add.

The selected page is moved to the Assigned box.

  1. To save the ad and return to the Campaign Manager screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The ad will now appear on the targeted page groups.

See Also

Adding an Ad Campaign Item

Adding Page Groups

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