Adding Attachments to a Direct Mail Campaign

You can add attachments to direct mail campaigns using the Direct Mail Properties section of the Campaign Manager screen. An attachment can be any file containing information you want to send with the direct mail campaign.

To add an attachment to a Direct Mail campaign

  1. In Campaigns, click Campaign Manager.

  2. In the Campaign Manager screen, select the direct mail campaign you want to add an attachment to and click Open on the toolbar.

  3. In the Campaign Manager <Customer> <Campaign> <Direct Mail Item> (direct mail ID: <number>) screen, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Attachment Type the path to the attachment that is to be sent with the mail message.

  4. To save the attachment with the direct mail campaign and return to the Campaign Manager screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The attachment is saved with this Direct Mailer job.

See Also

Creating a Direct Mail Campaign

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