Adding State/Province Codes

You add state and province codes in your Commerce Server database to identify the states and provinces where you ship your orders. The state/province codes identify the states and provinces that appear on your Web site.


To add a state/province code

  1. In Orders, click Data Codes.

  2. In the Order Status Codes screen, click View on the toolbar, select State/Province Codes from the drop-down list, and then click Add on the toolbar.

  3. In the State/Province Codes screen, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    State/Province Code Type an alphabetic code for the state or province.
    Display Name Type the state or province name.
    Description Type a description for the state or province code, if necessary.

  4. To save the changes and return to the State/Province Codes screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The new state/province code is saved in your Commerce Server database.


See Also

Workflow for Order Management

About Orders

Adding Country Codes

Managing Data Codes and Tax Rates

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