Workflow for Order Management

The following figure illustrates a sample scenario for adding order status codes, country/region codes, and state/province codes, customizing shipping methods, and adding tax rates.

Order Status
Order Status
New Orders
Saved Orders
Charge By Weight
Charge By Quantity
Charge By Subtotal
Order Status
Shipping Methods
Tax Rates
Publish Transactions

  1. In the Order Status module, you add order status codes to keep track of orders placed by users on your Web site. Perform this step only if the default order status codes do not meet your business needs.

  2. In the Order Status module, you add country/region codes to be displayed on the Web site as a shipping option for users.

  3. In the Order Status module, you add state/province codes to be displayed on the Web site as a shipping option for users.

  4. In the Shipping Methods module, you customize a shipping method available to users on your Web site.

  5. In the Tax Rates module, you add tax rates.

  6. In the Publish Transactions module, you publish changes to the Web site.

See Also

About Orders

Adding Order Status Codes

Adding Country Codes

Adding State/Province Codes

Customizing Shipping Methods

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