Customizing Shipping Methods

Commerce Server Business Desk supports three shipping methods:

You can also change the shipping method properties of a selected shipping method. For example, as shipping costs change, you can change the cost per method accordingly.

If you are using delivery services (such as USPS or Federal Express) who offer a number of shipping options, or a delivery service whose rates are figured by weight and zone (such as UPS), you will need to use a third-party pipeline component from that delivery service. For information about installing a custom shipping method or a third-party shipping pipeline component, contact your system administrator.

To add a charge by weight shipping method

To add a charge by quantity shipping method

To add a charge by subtotal shipping method

To edit shipping method properties

To add a charge by weight shipping method

  1. In Orders, click Shipping Methods.

  2. In the Shipping Methods screen, click Add on the toolbar, and then select Charge by Weight from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Charge by Weight - New screen, in the Shipping Method Properties section, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Name Type a name for your shipping method.
    Description Type a description for your shipping method.
    Enabled Select this check box to enable this shipping method. If you do not enable the shipping method, it will not appear on your Web site.

  4. In the Rates section, click New, and then do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Weight, up to Type a weight amount for the rate level.
    Shipping Rate Type the amount of the rate.

  5. Click Accept.

  6. After you have entered all the rates, click the last row in the rates list, which reads over <highest weight entered>, and then click Edit.


  7. Enter the highest rate for this shipping method, and then click Accept.

  8. To save the shipping method and return to the Shipping Methods screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The charge by weight shipping method is saved.


To add a charge by quantity shipping method

  1. In Orders, click Shipping Methods.

  2. In the Shipping Methods screen, click Add on the toolbar, and then select Charge by Quantity from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Charge by Quantity-New screen, in the Shipping Method Properties section, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Name Type a name for your shipping method.
    Description Type a description for your shipping method.
    Enabled Select this check box to enable this shipping method. If you do not enable the shipping method, it will not appear on your Web site.

  4. In the Rates section, click New, and then do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Quantity, up to Type the quantity for the rate level.
    Shipping Rate Type the amount of the rate.

  5. Click Accept.

  6. After you have entered all the rates, click the last row in the rates list, which reads over <highest quantity entered>, and then click Edit.


  7. Enter the highest rate for this shipping method, and then click Accept.

  8. To save the shipping method and return to the Shipping Methods screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The charge by quantity shipping method is saved.


To add a charge by subtotal shipping method

  1. In Orders, click Shipping Methods.

  2. In the Shipping Methods screen, click Add on the toolbar, and then select Charge by Subtotal from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Charge by Subtotal - New screen, in the Shipping Method Properties section, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Name Type the name of your shipping method.
    Description Type the description of your shipping method.
    Enabled Select this check box to enable this shipping method. If you do not enable the shipping method, it will not appear on your Web site.

  4. In the Rates section, click New, and then do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Price, up to Type the subtotal amount for the rate level.
    Shipping Rate Type the amount of the rate.

  5. Click Accept.

  6. After you have entered all the rates, click the last row in the rates list, which reads over <highest subtotal entered>, and then click Edit.


  7. Enter the highest rate for this shipping method, and then click Accept.

  8. To save the shipping method and return to the Shipping Methods screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The charge by subtotal shipping method is saved.


To edit shipping method properties

  1. In Orders, click Shipping Methods.

  2. In the Shipping Methods screen, select the shipping method you want to edit, and then click Open on the toolbar.

  3. In the Charge by <method> - Open <method name> screen, edit the properties for the shipping method.

  4. To save your edits and return to the Shipping Methods screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The edited shipping method is saved.


See Also

Workflow for Order Management

About Orders

Publishing Transactions on Your Web Site

Managing Data Codes and Tax Rates

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