Running a Campaign Report

After the import log files containing your campaign data are imported into the Data Warehouse, you can run reports to analyze the effectiveness of your ad campaigns. Log files can be run daily, weekly, or monthly. To receive the schedule for importing log files on your site, contact your system administrator.

You can use Campaign Manager module to view a list of reports. When you view the list of reports, the Analysis Reports module appears on top of the Campaign Manager. From the Reports module, you can run both dynamic and static reports. When you first open the Reports module, the default view assumes a search for "All Reports." You can narrow your list by using more specific search criteria. For information about advertising reports, see Advertising Reports.

To find a campaign report

  1. In Campaigns, click Campaign Manager.

  2. In the Campaign Manager screen, click Preview report on the toolbar to view a list of campaign reports.


  3. In the Reports screen, click Find on the toolbar.

  4. In the Find pane, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Find By Select the criteria you want to search on from the drop-down list.

    Different boxes appear below the Find By box depending on the type of criteria you select.

    In the box(s) under the Find By box, type or select from the list the specific value for the criteria that you have selected (name, category, creator, type).

  5. Click Find Now.

A list of reports matching the search criteria appears in the lower section of the Find pane.

To run a campaign report

While a dynamic report is running, a new Internet Explorer window appears immediately on your screen, on top of the Reports module window. While the report is running, you can minimize that window and continue working in Commerce Server Business Desk.

While a static report is running, the Reports module remains on your screen and is available for continued work. For information about running reports, see Running Reports.

To check report status

In the Completed Reports screen, you can view the list of completed reports and check the status of the report.

See Also

Running Reports

Finding Reports

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