Creating an Ad Campaign Item

You use the Campaign Manager module to create an ad campaign item for a specific campaign. You select the type of ad, which can be either a paid ad or a house ad depending on the Need of Delivery (NOD) schedule. You can also set a limit on how many times you want to show a user a piece of content within a user session. To prevent two ads from competing companies in the same industry from appearing on the same page, you can select an industry code for the ad.

To create an ad campaign item

To set up the ad display

To create an ad campaign item

  1. In Campaigns, click Campaign Manager.

  2. In the Campaign Manager screen, select the campaign for which you want to create a new ad campaign, click Add on the toolbar, and then select New Ad from the drop-down list to create the new ad.

  3. In the Campaign Manager <Customer> <Campaign> New (ad) screen, in the Ad Properties screen, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Ad name Type the name for the ad.

    To help distinguish between house ads and paid ads, use a distinct naming convention for the two types of ads. For example, Business Books_HA for a house ad and Business Software_PA for a paid ad.

    Status Select the ad campaign status from the drop-down list.

    The status can be either Active or Inactive.

    Type Select the type of ad you want.

    The type can be either Paid Ad or House Ad.

    Request or Click/Weight If your campaign is goaled at the campaign level, select Weight for either the House Ad or Paid Ad type.

    If your campaign is goaled at the advertising item level by requests, do the following:

    • If you selected Paid Ad as the ad type, type the number of ad request goals for the ad.

    • If you selected House Ad as the ad type, type the value for the weight of the house ad. House ads have a default weight of 1.

    If your campaign is goaled at the advertising item level by clicks, do the following:

    • If you selected Paid Ad as the ad type, type the number of ad click goals for the ad.

    • If you selected House Ad as the ad type, type the value for the weight of the house ad. House ads have a default weight of 1.
    Exposure limit Select the number of times the ad can be shown to a user within a session from the drop-down list.

    The maximum number of times the ad can be shown to a user is ten times within one session.

    Date received This box contains the current date as the default. Type or select the date the ad will be received from the drop-down calendar.

    After the ad campaign item is saved, the date cannot be changed.

    Industry Select the industry code for the ad.
    Comments Type any necessary comments pertaining to this ad.


To set up the ad display

  1. In the Ad Display section, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Size Select the content size of the ad from the drop-down list.
    Type Select the ad type from the drop-down list.


  2. To save the ad and return to the Campaign Manager screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The new ad appears in the Campaign Manager tree under the specified customer and campaign.

See Also

Adding a Campaign

Adding Industry Codes

Specifying Content Sizes

Specifying the Ad Display

Scheduling an Ad Campaign Item

Targeting an Ad to a Page Group

Targeting an Ad to a Group of Users

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