Pricing a Custom Catalog

You can add custom pricing to your custom catalogs. You can offer a set price, fixed adjustment, or percentage adjustment in you custom pricing for selected users. For example, you can offer discounts to frequent customers or offer discounts on seasonal merchandise. You can only change the price at the category level. You cannot change the price at the product level or product variant level for a custom catalog.

This procedure assumes you have already created a custom catalog. If you have not yet done so, see Creating a Custom Catalog.

To assign custom catalog pricing

  1. In Catalogs, click Catalog Editor.

  2. In the Catalogs screen, select the custom catalog that you want to price, and then click Open on the toolbar.

  3. In the Catalog Editor - <Catalog Name> screen, in the Custom Pricing section, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Categories Select the category to which you want to apply a custom price.
    Use Custom Pricing Select this check box to enable custom pricing. Clearing this box will remove custom pricing if the selected category already has custom pricing.
    Pricing Method Select one of three pricing methods:

    Percentage Adjustment. The percentage of the list price that should be charged for a product.

    Fixed Adjustment. The amount by which the list price is increased or decreased.

    Set Price. The exact price for the product.

    Value Type the value. The value determines the percentage, the adjustment, or the set price that should be applied to the list price, depending on the Pricing Method you selected. For example, if you select Percentage Adjustment and want to set a 10 percent discount, you would type 90. Items in your custom catalog would then sell for 90 percent of the list price.

  4. To save your changes return to the Catalogs screen, click Save and go back on the toolbar.

The updated pricing will not be applied to your Web site until the custom catalog is published. For information about publishing your catalog, see Refreshing and Publishing a Catalog. For information about adding users, see Adding a User.

See Also

About Catalogs

Creating a Custom Catalog

Pricing at the Product Variant Level

Pricing a Product

Pricing Products in a Category

Creating a Discount Campaign Item

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