Adding a Category to a Catalog

You add a category to a catalog using the Catalog Editor module. When you add products to a catalog, you may discover you need to add a new category.

Category names must be unique in each catalog. If you imported a catalog in CSV file format, you need to create the categories for the catalog and assign products to them.


To add a new category

  1. In Catalogs, click Catalog Editor.

  2. In the Catalogs screen, select the catalog for which you want to create a new category, and then click Open on the toolbar.

  3. In the Catalog - <Catalog Name> screen, in the Categories section, click New.

  4. In the New Category dialog box, select the category definition you want to base the category on, and then click Continue.

  5. In the Catalog Editor – <Catalog Name> - new (category) screen, do the following:
    Use this To do this
    Name Type a name for the new category. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    Do not use arrows < >, or parentheses () in the Name field.

    Price Type a price for the category. Use this box to assign prices to all the products in this category. For information about assigning prices directly to the product or the product variant, see Pricing Products.
    Searchable Select this check box to have this category be a starting point for a specification search. If this box is checked then this category will be listed on the Advanced Search page on the Web site.


  6. To save the new category and create another new category, click Save and create new on the toolbar.


See Also

About Catalogs

Refreshing and Publishing a Catalog

Pricing Products

Adding a Category Definition

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