Product Sales Reports

You use the Reports module to run reports to analyze product sales data.

Buyer Browse to Purchase

Customer Sales

Customer Spend Summary

Order Events

Product Sales

Shopping Basket Events

Buyer Browse to Purchase (Dynamic)

Use the Buyer Browse to Purchase report to review user visit and purchasing patterns. This report displays the number of first time and repeat buyers, and the average number of visits for each purchase per buyer.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Count Sales
Visit Count
Visitor Count
Visits Per Buy
Buyer Type

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Customer Sales (Static)

Use the Customer Sales report to see customer details, total sales, and total orders. This report can be exported to the List Manager, and the information it provides can be used to target customers with online campaigns, such as direct mail promotions.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
First Name
Last Name
User ID

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Customer Spend Summary (Dynamic)

Use the Customer Spend Summary report to review sales volume and revenue by customer. This report displays sales data by logon name for registered users and by guest user ID for guest users.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions

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Order Events (Dynamic)

Use the Order Events report to review order submittal events, such as a user clicking the Checkout button to indicate that the order is complete. This report shows the number of submit order events performed by registered and guest users each hour.


The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Count Events Date
Hour of Day
User Type

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Product Sales (Dynamic)

Use the Product Sales report to review product sales volume and revenue by date. This report shows the total quantity and revenue for each product sold.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions

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Shopping Basket Events (Dynamic)

Use the Shopping Basket Events report to review user behavior in regard to shopping basket activity. This report displays products and the number of times they have been added to and removed from shopping baskets.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Count Date

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See Also

About Analysis

Commerce Server Reports

Setting Up Business Analytics

Finding Reports

Running Reports

Viewing Dynamic Reports

Viewing Static Reports

Printing Reports

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