User Reports

You use the Reports module to run reports to analyze user data.

Distinct Users and Visits by Week

Distinct Users by Day

New Registered Users

Registered User Properties

Registered Users by Date Registered

User Days to Register

User Registration Rate

User Trends

Distinct Users and Visits by Week (Dynamic)

Use the Distinct Users and Visits by Week report to determine whether a few people are visiting your site many times or many people are visiting your site one time. This report displays the number of unique users visiting your site and how many times your site has been visited in a particular week. This report correlates the number of unique users with the number of visits made by each one.

If you collapse the date dimension, you will see the number of unique weekly users for the time period (year). This report does not provide the number of unique user visits per year, because it counts only unique weekly visitors. For example, if a user visits on a Wednesday in a given week and visits again on Friday in the following week in a given year, that user is counted as a unique user for each of the two weeks. The unique users count for that year is two, even though both visits were by the same user.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Unique Users
User Type
Week Num

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Distinct Users by Day (Dynamic)

Use the Distinct Users by Day report to determine how many unique users visit your site in a particular day. If you collapse the date dimension, you will see the number of unique daily users for the time period (week or year). This report does not provide the number of unique user visits per week or year, because it counts only unique daily visitors. For example, if a user visits on two days in a given week, that user is counted as a unique user for each day, and the unique users count for that week is two, even though both visits were by the same user.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Users Date
User Type

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New Registered Users (Static)

Use the New Registered Users report to identify new registered users. This data can be used to create special promotional campaigns. Export this report to the List Manager to target new registered users with online campaigns, such as direct mail promotions.

For more information about exporting static reports, see Exporting a Static Report.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
There are no measures in this report. Date Registered
Date Created
First Name
Last Name
User ID

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Registered User Properties (Static)

Use the Registered User Properties report to review information provided by registered users. This data can be used to create special promotional campaigns. Export this report to the List Manager to target registered users with online campaigns, such as direct mail promotions.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
There are no measures in this report. Date Created
Date Registered
First Name
Last Name
User ID

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Registered Users by Date Registered (Dynamic)

Use the Registered Users by Date Registered report to review the registration behavior of your users. This report displays user registration history for your site for a particular time period (year, quarter, month, or day).

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Registered Users Date
Registered Users
Site ID

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User Days to Register (Dynamic)

Use the User Days to Register report to track the average number of days it takes guest users to register on your site.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Average Elapsed Days to Register Average Elapsed Days
Date Created

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User Registration Rate (Dynamic)

Use the Registration Rate report to determine how successful you have been in getting guest users to register at your site. The report displays the time elapsed from the date users first access the site as guests until the date they register.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Registered Users Elapsed Days
Registered Users

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User Trends (Dynamic)

Use the User Trends report to determine how successful you have been in attracting repeat users. This report displays the types of users (new and repeat) who visit your site by date.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
New Users
Repeat User %
Repeat Users
Total Users
Week of Year

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See Also

About Analysis

Commerce Server Reports

Setting Up Business Analytics

Finding Reports

Running Reports

Viewing Dynamic Reports

Viewing Static Reports

Printing Reports

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