Diagnostic Reports

You use the Reports module to run reports to analyze diagnostic data.

Bandwidth Summary

Bandwidth Trends

Hits by HTTP Status

Hits by Win32 Status

Bandwidth Summary (Dynamic)

Use the Bandwidth Summary report to view a PivotChart of the weekly bandwidth consumption for your site.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Bandwidth (MB) Date

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Bandwidth Trends (Dynamic)

Use the Bandwidth Trends report to review the daily bandwidth consumption for your site.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Bandwidth (MB) Date
Day of Week

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Hits by HTTP Status (Dynamic)

Use the Hits by HTTP Status report to review and diagnose problems users may be encountering with the 5,000 most active pages on your site. This report displays HTTP error messages associated with the 5,000 most active pages of your Web site.


The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Count Date
HTTP Status

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Hits by Win32 Status (Dynamic)

Use the Hits by Win32 Status report to review and diagnose problems users may be encountering with the 5,000 most active pages on your site. This report displays Win32 error messages associated with the 5,000 most active pages of your Web site.


The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Count Date
Win32 Status

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See Also

About Analysis

Commerce Server Reports

Setting Up Business Analytics

Finding Reports

Running Reports

Viewing Dynamic Reports

Viewing Static Reports

Printing Reports

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