Web Usage Reports

You use the Reports module to run reports to analyze site usage, referring URLs, and requests for data.


Entry Path Analysis

Top Referring Domains by Request

Top Requested Pages

Usage Summary by Day of Week

Usage Summary by Hour of Day

Usage Summary by Week of Year

Usage Trends

Visits by Browser, Version, and OS

Directories (Dynamic)

Use the Directories report to determine which of the 5,000 Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) directory levels are the most visited. This report displays activity for the first six levels of URI directories.


The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Hits Count Date
Directory Level
Is Request

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Entry Path Analysis (Static)

Use the Entry Path Analysis report to determine the top entry paths most frequently used to get to your site. This report displays the top six levels of path directories.


The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Count URI 1

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Top Referring Domains by Request (Static)

Use the Top Referring Domains by Request report to review the sites from which your users access your site. This report displays a list of the most active referring domains by number of requests.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Domain % Requests

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Top Requested Pages (Static)

Use the Top Requested Pages report to review the pages most requested. This report displays a list of the 5,000 most active pages, including query strings, by number of requests.


The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Domain % Requests

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Usage Summary by Day of Week (Dynamic)

Use the Usage Summary by Day of Week report to view a PivotChart showing the average number of page requests per day of week.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Avg Requests Per Day of Week
Avg Visits Per Day of Week
Day of Week

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Usage Summary by Hour of Day (Dynamic)

Use the Usage Summary by Hour of Day report to view a PivotChart showing the average number of page requests per hour of day.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Avg Requests Per Hour of Day
Avg Visits Per Hour of Day
Hour of Day

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Usage Summary by Week of Year (Dynamic)

Use the Usage Summary by Week of Year report to view a PivotChart showing the average number of page requests per week.


The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Avg Requests Per Week of Year
Avg Visits Per Week of Year
Week of Year

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Usage Trends (Dynamic)

Use the Usage Trends report to review a summary of daily page requests, users, and visits.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
User Type

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Visits by Browser, Version, and OS (Dynamic)

Use the Visits by Browser, Version, and Operating System (OS) report to determine which browsers are used most frequently to visit your site. For example, if your users have older browsers, you can avoid incorporating features, such as frames or multimedia, in your site design. This report displays the browsers, versions, and operating systems users are running to access your site.

The following table lists the measures and dimensions that this report contains.

Measures Dimensions
Visits Browser
OS Name
Visit Count

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See Also

About Analysis

Commerce Server Reports

Setting Up Business Analytics

Finding Reports

Running Reports

Viewing Dynamic Reports

Viewing Static Reports

Printing Reports

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