Adding a Direct Mail Campaign Item

You use the Campaign Manager module to create and manage direct e-mail advertising campaigns. A direct mail campaign can be targeted toward specific users by using mailing lists that reside in List Manager. You use the Campaign Manager module to create new direct mail campaigns, personalize messages, add attachments to your direct mail messages, and modify direct mail properties. You can also test your direct mail lists before sending them to production.

The following workflow illustrates a sample scenario for creating and managing a direct mail campaign:

Direct mail list workflow
List Manager
Campaign Manager

  1. In the List Manager module, import a mailing list (for example, a list of top customers).

  2. In the Campaign Manager module, create a direct mail campaign targeting the mailing list of top customers.

  3. Enter the name of a Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) page containing personalized content.

  4. Add an attachment to the direct mail campaign.

  5. Schedule the start times and end times for the direct mail campaign, and specify how often the direct mail job is to be sent.

  6. Test the direct mail you sent against a test list, and view your personalization pages.

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